Tantric Massage Questions
Tantric massage is a massage that tends to seek pleasure through the exchange of energies through the sensual massage of your entire body and stimulation of your intimate area to take you to absolute relaxation, producing a final ecstasy of the member lingam male or female yoni … is one of the most intimate massages that we can find.
Yes. We offer you free of charge the drinks you need both before and after the massage. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks: Rum. Whisky, Gin, Juices, Soft drinks, Tea, Water,…
Yes, we guarantee maximum discretion and privacy throughout your stay in the centre. We have 6 totally independent rooms and we also have private reception rooms to preserve your privacy to the maximum.
Tantric massages do not include explicit sex, although they do interact with the masseuse.
- If you have never tried a tantric massage with oils in your erogenous zone with lingam end, I assure you that you will never forget the experience.
- The combination of aromatic oils, heat and body contact ensure a totally extracorporeal finish.
Are those real pictures?
In our center, you will find massages that are received with the masseuse dressed, others in thong and others with the masseuse completely naked for your delight.
No. We offer everything you need, from disposable slippers, towels, shower gels and toiletries.
Of course, in our center there are always masseurs available to assist you. If you would like a particular masseur, you can call the centre and make an appointment at a time that suits you best.
Yes. You can pay for your tantric massage with a credit card or cash. In both cases you will pay the same. There is no extra charge for paying by credit card.
If you can not come, nothing happens, just let us know as soon as you can, so the masseuse does not stay waiting for you. We thank you in advance.
Yes, you can book with the masseuse you want to see the real photos we have of all our masseurs on the web and she will be waiting for you when you arrive, or if you prefer you can book or come without appointment without choosing any masseuse and you can choose when legues from among the masseurs who are available.
We attend many couples and thanks to the professionalism of our masseurs, in a few minutes you can achieve an excellent climate. At all times there is a very close and friendly dialogue increasing the sensuality of the massage to reach the total relaxation of the members lingam and yoni of both.
- You can combine male masseuse and female masseuse or both of the same sex or even a single masseuse for both…