The perfect caress



An inherent part of being human is the need for physical contact, especially in the form of caresses, hugs, or kisses. Through touch we can reinforce the messages we want to communicate and we can express them with greater precision and intensity. The caresses are part of a non-verbal communicative language that is capable of transmitting different emotions such as love, support or tranquility.

The act of stroking and being stroked activates specific areas of our brain and causes different physiological reactions and responses in our body. Those who receive caresses enjoy more the pleasure of touch when the action comes from people with whom they have some kind of affective bond and this is how the benefits of caresses are obtained.

Benefits of giving and receiving strokes

The benefits of physical contact go beyond the social bond and can manifest positively in both your physical health and mental state.

Positive thinking

Stroking releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for helping humans connect with each other and promoting a sense of well-being and happiness. Oxytocin is related to emotional and affective bonds, for this reason the skin-to-skin contact of the loved one awakens this type of emotion.

In addition, this hormone helps inspire positive thoughts and helps generate feelings of compassion during social interactions.

Reduces stress

Stroking increases levels of dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that help regulate your mood and relieve stress and anxiety. Science has shown that when we receive a friendly or affectionate touch, the brain reduces the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Human beings seek to receive and caress the people we love precisely because they trigger a neural pattern of comfort and affection.

Stimulates the immune system

Physical contact improves the function of your immune system and reduces those diseases associated with the heart and blood and is effective in alleviating physical ailments.

For this reason, massage therapies are usually an excellent tool to relieve all kinds of pain; from headaches to back pain, since caresses have a powerful impact on our mental and physical state.

At Shiva Massages we know the importance of caresses during an ideal erotic massage. Our masseuses are experts in providing the perfect caresses both with your hands and with the other parts of your body. The use of essential oils further increases the touch and softness of the caresses.

Let yourself be pampered and caressed by any of our masseurs and you will not regret this unforgettable experience, since once the hands or body of one of our masseurs land on you, you will want to repeat this feeling and take advantage of all the benefits that each massage session will bring you.

Come and enjoy perfect caresses at the hands of our professionals!

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