Goodbye masturbation, hello erotic massage



When masturbation becomes a problem, erotic massage is the solution

Masturbation is a very common sexual activity and a natural and healthy way for many people to explore their bodies and find pleasure.
This practice is commonly carried out with the aim of generating pleasure, and in the same way that it can help to release sexual tension, to generate self-knowledge regarding the sexual activity of the person or to improve life as a couple, it can also internally make the brain activate and react to secrete chemicals, or send signals to specific areas of the body that will release an immense torrent of hormones. One of the hormones that masturbation releases is dopamine, which once produced allows something as basic as the ability to feel pleasure; providing a feeling of happiness and motivation. On the other hand, there is oxytocin, a hormone that, in small amounts, decreases the secretion of cortisol (the stress hormone).

Why do we masturbate?

Without a doubt, giving yourself pleasure can positively affect various aspects of life and be reflected in increased self-esteem, reduced stress and anxiety, improved cognitive function and ability to concentrate, and even works as a natural relaxant to help you sleep better and have a better quality of sleep. Therefore, it is not only a recurring activity since a man learns how to masturbate. And it is that most men masturbate at least once a day. Something that has been boosted by the accessibility of pornography.
While in the health context, professionals perceive masturbation as a positive aspect of favorable sexual development due to all its benefits —and it is even integrated as part of sexual therapy— for society this issue is still relevant today day is seen as taboo, although it is increasingly normalized. There are many myths about masturbation. Many have been discredited at various times, but seem to resurface again and again. Most claims about onanism are not supported by science, and there is often no evidence to show that masturbation causes adverse effects such as blindness, impotence, erectile dysfunction, sterility, mental disorders, or physical weakness. However, anything in excess is not good for your health.
Masturbation can cause side effects on both the body and mind. And it is that masturbation can become compulsive and can be very addictive and sometimes become necessary. What’s more, if it becomes a routine and excessive action, it generates high levels of anxiety; and it can cause frustration by depriving you of doing it every time you feel like it, cause premature ejaculation in men, it can even affect sexual relations with current or future partners.

There are 8 main side effects of masturbation:

– Genital pain:
When men masturbate frequently, they can suffer from edema. A condition in which a part of the body swells due to fluid retention in body tissues, which usually happens when excessive pressure is applied around certain parts of the body.
– Low sperm quality:
Masturbating can be a healthy habit if not done frequently, but when men are in the habit of doing it excessively, the body’s ability to generate testosterone is hindered, which is a possible reason for low sperm quality and low sperm count. as one of the side effects
– Rash and redness:
Holding the genitals too tightly can create rashes and redness that may require medical attention. These rashes occur due to dry skin or skin infection which can be caused by dirty hands or using low-quality lubricants.
– Social distancing:
The one who suffers from such an addiction prefers to stay at home than to go out and spends most of the time alone in the room thinking about when and how to masturbate; he also finds excuses to avoid any occasion for public gatherings.
– Low self-esteem:
People who are in the habit of masturbating more than “normal” tend to lose self-confidence and become nervous in situations that require socializing. Pleasure provides relaxation and an instant feeling of well-being that fades as soon as it appears, but creates a negative stigma towards themselves.
– Blurred priorities:
Masturbating more than once a day tends to create addiction and they end up looking for reasons to avoid responsibilities. Making it difficult to concentrate on work or studies and eventually suffer failure. At the same time, this excess also causes weakness.

But: Why can masturbation cause anxiety?

Masturbation anxiety can stem from guilt. Feelings of guilt around masturbation may be tied to spiritual, cultural, or religious views, which may view masturbation as immoral or “dirty,” or simply a way of wasting time and shirking responsibilities. Anxiety can eventually cause various problems, including sexual dysfunction. It may also be related solely to a specific type or style of stimulation. That is, masturbation can cause anxiety, but sexual intercourse and other activities such as erotic massages cannot; since there is always something new and it is not so easy to be routine.

We have a solution

Erotic massages are an alternative to masturbation that you should consider, since it is much more than a massage. First of all, an erotic massage is an experience with a ritual, which offers a more spiritual approach to massage, aimed at purifying the body by revitalizing the subtle energy channels.
Tantric massage is one of the most popular types of erotic massage that is based on an energetic and practical approach to bodywork. For this to work, you must preserve the tantric principles to maintain authenticity.
In addition to being a sophisticated and spiritual form of massage, erotic massage has many excellent healing effects and can be very therapeutic. However, the greatest benefit of this form of massage is the ability to overcome energetic and sexual blockages while restoring stamina, building stamina, and boosting vitality.

At Shiva Masajes we have professionals who, through the art of tantra and with the skills they possess to give massages, will guide your mind and body on a journey of unique sensations to get to know you in depth and thus learn to value your well-being and self love.

Say goodbye to masturbation and treat yourself to an erotic massage.

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