The Brahma massage: the beginning of everything



We dive into the mythological story of one of our most successful massages, the Brahma massage, and tell you everything you need to know about it.

Erotic massage, also known as tantric massage, is a practice closely related to Hindu culture and mythology. Many of the practices, many of the names of the massages, or even the setting of the centers where this type of massage is usually received drink directly from this mythology, for this reason, the references are abundant, but only people with sufficient knowledge about this ancient tradition is conscious. Therefore, today we explain the origin of the well-known “Brahma Massage” and the deity that bears his name.
Hinduism perceives all of creation and its cosmic activity as the work of three fundamental forces symbolized by three gods, who constitute the Hindu Trinity or ‘Trimurti’: Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the sustainer, and Shiva, the destroyer.

Brahma, the Creator

Brahma is the creator of the universe and all beings, as described in Hindu cosmology. The Vedas, the oldest and most sacred Hindu scriptures, are attributed to Brahma and therefore Brahma is considered the father of dharma. Not to be confused with Brahman, which is a general term for the Supreme Being or Almighty God. Although Brahma is a single god of the Trinity, his popularity is not compared to that of Vishnu and Shiva. Therefore, Brahma exists more in the scriptures than in homes and temples, he is not a god that is worshiped. In fact, it is difficult to find a temple dedicated to Brahma.

The birth of Brahma

According to the Puranas, Brahma is the son of God and is often referred to as Prajapati. The Shatapatha Brahman says that Brahma was born from the Supreme Being Brahman and the female energy known as Maya. Wanting to create the universe, Brahman first created water, in which he placed his seed. This seed transformed into a golden egg, from which Brahma appeared. For this reason, Brahma is also known as ‘Hiranyagarbha’, literal translation of golden egg. As a curious fact, according to another legend, Brahma was born from a lotus flower that grew from Vishnu’s navel.
o help him create everything we know, Brahma gave birth to the 11 ancestors of the human race called the ‘Prajapatis’ and the seven great sages or ‘Saptarishi’. These sons of Brahma, who were born from his mind instead of his body, are called the ‘Manasputras’. The Prajapatis – who are 10 men and one woman – are the gods or spirits of procreation and the creation of life and each one has specific characteristics.

The symbolism of Brahma in Hinduism

In the Hindu pantheon, Brahma is commonly depicted as having four heads, four arms, and red skin. Unlike all other Hindu gods, Brahma does not carry weapons in his hands. She holds a pitcher, a spoon, a prayer book, a rosary, and sometimes a lotus flower. He sits on that same flower, in the posture of the same name, and moves on a white swan. Brahma is often depicted with a long white beard, with each of his heads reciting the four Vedas.

Brahma, Cosmos and Time

Brahma presides over ‘Brahmaloka’, a universe containing all the splendors of the earth and all other worlds. In Hindu cosmology, the universe exists for a single day called ‘Brahmakalpa’. This day is equivalent to four billion Earth years, at the end of which the entire universe dissolves. After the “death” of Brahma, it is necessary for another 100 of his years to pass until he is reborn and all creation begins anew.
Linga Purana, which is responsible for calculating the years of the different cycles, indicates that the life of Brahma is divided into a thousand cycles or ‘Maha Yugas’.

Brahma Loka, paradise itself

Brahma Loka (from Sanskrit: ब्रह्मालोक), is the abode of the goddess Saraswati and Brahma, the creator god and part of a Trimurti, as we have explained before, along with Vishnu and Shiva in Hinduism. This place is located on Mount Meru, and is also known as Satyaloka (Satya meaning truth, loka meaning world, thus meaning true world) and/or Satya Bagecha (bagecha means “garden”) in the Puranas.
Brahmapura literally means “city of Brahma”. This word has been used in the Upaniṣads in various senses. Just as a city full of people and various material goods supplies the needs of the ascended individual, it in turn supplies the needs of Brahma residing in him in the form of a jīva or individual soul.
This place is said to be the highest of the blissful worlds a person can reach.
And that is what our Brahma massage is looking for: the beginning, the creation, the beginning of a relationship of trust between the masseuse and the client, the approach that makes the body release its defenses and let the hands and the body of our masseuse discover a new world of sensations for your client.
The Brahma massage has less erotic charge than other massages on our menu, it is like the genesis of pleasure, a platonic idyll full of positive energy and previous approach, a way to enter a world from which you will not want to leave. It is a massage where the client receives the massage without being able to interact with the masseuse. The masseuse will navigate the world of excitement, insinuation and, above all, the most absolute relaxation.
Therefore, nothing better than a tantric massage from the oldest Ayurvedic roots to be able to reach, through ecstasy, the Brahma-Loka within our particular oasis located in the city of Barcelona.

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