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There are not enough words to describe all the sensations you can experience when you reach an orgasm. Many specialists affirm that it is one of the most pleasant experiences that human beings can feel.
The release of endorphins that orgasm generates immediately boosts your mood and mental health. This natural analgesic is the perfect ally to face your day to day with more enthusiasm. But did you know that to reach climax, your body and mind have to go a long and complex road?
What is an orgasm?
It is very difficult to describe an orgasm, since the sensations that each person experiences can be very different. There is no correct answer, each sensation, intensity and duration is completely unique and unrepeatable.
However, when we speak of orgasms, on a physical level, we refer to the set of muscular contractions that you experience when you reach the most intense part of sexual arousal. If we look it up in the dictionary, it appears as “the culmination of sexual pleasure.
During this process, people are physically coordinated. For this reason, it is important to synchronize both your body and your mind in order to enjoy maximum pleasure. Surely, sometimes you have wondered why I do not reach or it is difficult for me to reach orgasm? But there is no single answer, since many factors influence the development of this experience. However, we can find many tricks to reach orgasm.
We should not confuse the male orgasm with ejaculation, because they are two totally different processes. For its part, ejaculation consists of the expulsion of semen through the penis. Despite this, most of the time both occur simultaneously.
The different stages of orgasm
Unlike women, men tend to develop sensations more quickly during this process. Now, the male orgasm process is also considered highly complex. This takes place between four different phases: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution.
The previous step that begins the arousal phase is the erotic stimulus that will awaken the male libido. During arousal, the penis undergoes an erection, as the blood fills its inner tissue with spongy cavities, causing it to become rigid and grow in size.
The plateau will be the phase in which the excitation will become uniform. Some of the changes that happen in the previous state of orgasm is the enlargement of the glans and testicles. In addition, it is also very common for breathing and heart rate to skyrocket.
Resolution consists of a return to normal physiological states. The tissues of the genital organs are emptied of blood, and the tension of the penis is lost. Also, the testicles and scrotum return to their original size.

What are its benefits?
Not only do orgasms have numerous physical health benefits, but they also have benefits for mood, self-esteem, and mental health. The amount of endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin that an orgasm releases helps improve your well-being.
Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for increasing happiness. That is why living an orgasm can be the perfect ally to combat stress and anxiety from day to day. This well-being will help you face problems in a more optimistic and friendly way.
Happiness will be the key to improving your self-esteem. The lack of stress in your life will allow you to improve the quality of your social relationships. Not only will you feel more comfortable with yourself, but you will make more correct decisions.
Did you know that people who have more orgasms are shown to be more productive? This is due to the increased good humor, security and confidence that an orgasm generates.
In addition to all the mental health benefits, there are also a number of physiological improvements. The reinforcement of the immune system, a better rest or the improvement of the heart health are some of the main physical benefits.
Sometimes an orgasm can also work as a natural pain reliever. The climax will be able to relieve headaches and menstrual pain. This relief occurs, as sex releases a large amount of endorphins that block pain.
Erotic massage and orgasm: compatible?
Although reaching orgasm is not the main goal of erotic massages, many of the people who try them do. This type of massage is characterized by being very pleasant, but they do not seek orgasm or focus exclusively on the genitals.
Sometimes when we talk about pleasure, we don’t think of it without thinking about orgasm. However, although erotic massage is synonymous with satisfaction, orgasm and pleasure do not always go hand in hand.
These spaces are ideal to enjoy the most sensual relaxation. From the hand of the best professionals, you can enjoy the best tantric massage accompanied by the most erotic atmosphere.
And maybe you wonder, will I be able to reach orgasm? The answer will always depend on several factors such as the type of massage, the attitude of the person who receives it or the professionalism of the masseuse who performs it. Therefore, they can become compatible, but we should not focus exclusively on it.
Erotic massage and orgasm: compatible?
Although reaching orgasm is not the main goal of erotic massages, many of the people who try them do. This type of massage is characterized by being very pleasant, but they do not seek orgasm or focus exclusively on the genitals.
Sometimes when we talk about pleasure, we don’t think of it without thinking about orgasm. However, although erotic massage is synonymous with satisfaction, orgasm and pleasure do not always go hand in hand.
These spaces are ideal to enjoy the most sensual relaxation. From the hand of the best professionals, you can enjoy the best tantric massage accompanied by the most erotic atmosphere.
And maybe you wonder, will I be able to reach orgasm? The answer will always depend on several factors such as the type of massage, the attitude of the person who receives it or the professionalism of the masseuse who performs it. Therefore, they can become compatible, but we should not focus exclusively on it.