Demolishing myths of erotic massage

An erotic massage is not just a wellness treatment, it is an experience that, in addition to leading you to absolute relaxation like any massage, also introduces you to a state of superior wellness through pleasure.

How to give a penis massage?

All kinds of massages are pleasant and pleasurable, but specifically, erotic and sensual massages carry another charge and intentionality. In this case, we will talk about massages on the penis, how to do it, what its purpose is and the benefits it entails.

Massage to improve erection

One of the biggest problems for men when it comes to having a sexual relationship is erectile dysfunction, but did you know that there are different solutions to be able to have an erection and be able to have satisfactory sexual relations.

Erotic massages for men

One of the biggest problems for men when it comes to having a sexual relationship is erectile dysfunction, but did you know that there are different solutions to be able to have an erection and be able to have satisfactory sexual relations.

6 qualities that an erotic masseuse should have

An erotic masseuse in Barcelona or in any other corner of the world is someone very special, who is in charge of making us live fantastic moments of relaxation that help us to release all the accumulated stress of everyday life.

The right lighting: the secret of eroticism

At Shiva Massages we have found the key in lighting to guarantee an eroticism that will make your skin crawl…

6 key aspects of an erotic massage.

An erotic massage is not just about laying the client on a massage table; it’s a whole relaxation process where various factors come together with the aim of providing an exciting and innovative experience.

Erotic furniture: a perfect complement for sex

This is our selection of erotic furniture and recommendations for its use…

How can we increase the amount of semen in the ejaculate?

Does the sensation of ejaculating a large amount of semen excite you? Are you worried about the amount in your download? Don’t worry; you’re not alone.